
The La Selva Beach Community Church encourages dialogue among various religious traditions and spiritual paths. We believe that meaningful dialogue from multiple perspectives fosters understanding, enriches our grasp of the Christian faith, and promotes an appreciation for the practices and beliefs of other cultures. To this end, we have sponsored a number of interfaith events and programs, including a five week series on “Understanding Islam,” a community-wide interfaith breakfast, a series of Sunday morning worship experiences focusing on Jewish, Islamic/Sufi and Buddhist spirituality, and annual Interfaith services. In undertaking these efforts we believe we are acting in the spirit of Jesus who said “in my Father’s house are many mansions.” We encourage you to share your views with us, as together we explore humanity’s various paths to God.


During the fall of 2012 the La Selva Beach Community Church sponsored an eight-week interfaith series on Global Spirituality, which provided a brief introduction to major world religious and spiritual traditions. Each session of the course began with a brief historical context provided by Robert Strayer, followed by a presentation from a practitioner from that tradition. While we were unable to video the first two presentations, the final six sessions have been recorded and are available online.