Diana Butler Bass Keynote Lecture

Peace United Church of Christ (First Congregational Church of SC) 900 High Street, Santa Cruz, CA, United States

Diana Butler Bass, author of Christianity After Religion, will be speaking at Peace United Church of Christ.

Diana Butler Bass Day 2 Presentation

Peace United Church of Christ (First Congregational Church of SC) 900 High Street, Santa Cruz, CA, United States

Diana Butler Bass, author of Christianity After Religion, will be speaking at Peace United Church of Christ.  Presentations, group workshops, lunch and discussion.

Kate Kendall-8th Anniversary as ONA congregation

In celebration of our 8th Anniversary as an Open and Affirming congregation, our special guest speaker will be Kate Kendall, Executive Director of the National Center for Lesbian Rights.  A coffee hour and Q&A session with Ms. Kendall will follow … Continue reading