On a social scale, what possesses the people and the culture that can keep the sex trade thriving in Asia, or gang activity in our backyard growing, that fuels conflict in the Middle East, and a devastating food crisis in African nations?
How true Fred Craddock’s statement, “Not believing in demons has hardly eliminated evil in the world.” Whether or not we believe in demons, I think we would be hard-pressed to deny that forces of evil, personal and social, do exist.
Today’s text from Mark suggests that we can be released from the things that bind us and keep us from living healthy and whole lives. And—that we also have an important part to play in addressing evil where we see it.
Notice how boldly Jesus confronts the unclean spirit, rebuking him with the words, “Be silent and come out of him.”
Perhaps that is where we begin–confronting honestly the things that possess us. It’s not something we are inclined to do. Sometimes we are just not conscious about the things that hold us captive. What could we learn, and how could we change and grow by taking a serious look at the fears, the worry, and the stories we make up in our heads that are not helpful to us or our relationships? Our love affair perhaps with alcohol or food, or material possessions. What binds us to that which is not healthy for us emotionally, physically, or spiritually, and how can we fill our lives with habits, activities and practices that support the fullness of life God intends for us?